Reflections on St. Patrick

As we all count down the days to the Spring Equinox on Thursday March 20th, Old Man Winter is hanging on. Here in the Northeast, we are still waiting for the snow to melt but it has served its purpose, covering the plants and actually serving as the perfect insulator! Despite the snow that refuses

The Month of Love

Happy Month of the “Heart!” Oh how Love inspires us to do things we might not otherwise attempt. And I do mean Love, not Love that is confined to being “in love,” but the Love that all of us would express to and for those to whom we are so emotionally attached: our significant others,

Welcome to 2014!

Welcome to 2014! A “Universal 7 Year” because in Numerology, 2+0+1+4 = 7. A Universal 7 Year is regarded as a time to reflect on the past, learn, and grow as we progress into the new year. I hope everyone enjoyed the end of the year holiday. I am aware for many that this may

Suggestions for Brightening the Holidays, Even Through Grief

We come again to the end of another year, and another Christmas Holiday awaits us. For many, this is a very wonderful time, while for others the holiday brings up sad memories of our loved ones who are no longer with us in the physical, especially if they have made their transition recently. I know

The Month of “Thanksgiving”

November, the month of “Thanksgiving,” and for many a favorite holiday! It’s a time when we can share with many that need of family and friends. Of that desire to help out at a soup kitchen or local shelter. Truly a time to be thankful for all the blessings we have, beyond of course having

Perspectives from Nature

Welcome to Fall! From my perspective, during the autumn equinox, there was a full moon rising quite brilliantly in the nighttime sky. I was in the desert at the time and this experience was especially thrilling. If you have not seen a full moon from the desert sands, put that experience on your list of

Lessons We Can Learn From Loss

As I sit here about to write this newsletter, I am looking out at the trees gently moving their limbs on what is probably close to the most perfect day that the end of summer has ever seen. Feeling, of course, that Labor Day is around the corner. I ponder life, knowing how blessed I

Connecting with Nature

Okay so we’re in August and yes sorry that summer will soon be over. But wait! There is a whole month left before summer unofficially ends on Labor Day September 2nd, and three weeks more until the official end of summer on the autumn equinox. So it’s not like it’s the last minute. There is

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Thanks for Submitting!

Suzane goes LIVE on Facebook once a month on the 1st Monday of the month at 7pm ET to answer these questions. Tune it to see if yours will be next!

*Note that due to many submissions, your question many not be answered immediately.

Ask Suzane!

Due to popular demand, we’re bringing back the monthly Ask Suzane column! Here, you have the chance to submit questions directly to Suzane to answer. We may also choose yours to be read/featured in her monthly podcast, Dead Peoples’ Society!

* Due to high volumes, your question may take time to be answered via email from Suzane. We will reach out if yours is picked to be featured on the podcast. Have questions? Email us at