Changing of the Seasons

Fall is here, and it’s time to let summer go…with it’s own rhythm and flow—an approach we all can and should learn from.  That’s right, go with the ebb and flow, in this case the changing of the seasons, and prepare for a new beginning following our wonderful summer. I have noticed that there is

Wonders of Autumn

Fall officially began on September 22nd. I’m sure many of you don’t want to rush it, particularly if you live in cooler climates, but here we are now in Autumn,  the time of Harvest. We are nonetheless, wherever we live, affected mentally by where we are physically.  Everything contributes to our state of mind and

Listening – An Art

Listening, I believe, is not only an Art, but a invaluable tool of knowing.  In my travels I get to have so many sharings and conversations with collages, friends, clients. In those moments, and quite often it is just a moment, the sincere conversation where much of our deep feelings are revealed. Most certainly, with

Suzane in Paravisie Magazine (in Dutch)

Een primeur op de ParaVisie Manifestatie: voor het eerst demonstreert het internationaal  bekende Amerikaanse medium Suzane Northrop haar kunnen voor een Nederlandstalig publiek. Zij staat bekend om haar humor, bevlogenheid, warme uitstraling en uiteraard haar sterk ontwikkelde mediamieke gave. – Tekst: Niels Brummelman Suzane Northrop in Nederland Dp’s, dat is de afkorting die Suzane Northrop gekscherend

Lessons From Tennis

I can’t say that I’m a huge sports buff, certainly not like my mother and sister. My mother watches every Yankee game usually twice, knowing stats, what team is in what place and the same goes for my sister with football. Well I think you get the idea of both of their obsessions with their

Irene & The Wedding

There are those times in our lives when making a decision involves a leap of faith, because we have no way of knowing what the consequences will be.  This reality was brought home to me just this past week when I was unsure about getting on a plane to Denver with Hurricane Irene on the

Meet Suzane Northrop

Into The Mystic (excerpt) By Dennis P. McMahon If you ever have the chance to meet world class medium Suzane Northrop, do it!  The encounter may change your life—for the better.  I speak from experience. I became acquainted with Suzane thru a series of events that began in the fall of 1996 when a friend

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Thanks for Submitting!

Suzane goes LIVE on Facebook once a month on the 1st Monday of the month at 7pm ET to answer these questions. Tune it to see if yours will be next!

*Note that due to many submissions, your question many not be answered immediately.

Ask Suzane!

Due to popular demand, we’re bringing back the monthly Ask Suzane column! Here, you have the chance to submit questions directly to Suzane to answer. We may also choose yours to be read/featured in her monthly podcast, Dead Peoples’ Society!

* Due to high volumes, your question may take time to be answered via email from Suzane. We will reach out if yours is picked to be featured on the podcast. Have questions? Email us at