Tuesday, April 11, 2023
7:00 pm EDT - 8:30 pm EDT Your Timezone
Dreams are the symbolic yet direct message from the inner soul to the outer mind.
Through a generally universal set of symbols, they report on the true happenings of one’s mind, progress through life and the lines of one’s fate and probabilities. They are incredibly important yet without a reliable means to decipher them, they can often lose meaning or even confuse the individual! Fortunately, the School of Metaphysics has developed a robust system for interpreting dreams from over 40 years of experience, Akashic Record readings and reasoning. Gino has practiced and developed this system for over 8 years and is here today to offer his perspective on the meaning and interpretation of dreams.
About Gino
Gino is a spiritual seeker and educator whose ideal is to spread and normalize spiritual education into the public. Currently, he furthers his spiritual growth through practicing as a student, teacher, and director for the School of Metaphysics, a non-denomination mystery school whose ideal is to help any person willing to put forth the effort to become a Whole-Functioning Self. His dream is to become a professor of comparative religion and study the source of all religion and spirituality.