Tuesday, September 13, 2022
7:00 pm EDT - 8:30 pm EDT Your Timezone
Do you feel like you have found your soul mate because you get along so well? Do you answer each other’s questions even before they are asked? Or is there a deep attraction yet conflict with your loved one? Numerology can assist you in understanding the lessons that you came onto this planet to learn from each other.
In this webinar, you will discover what motivates each of you, as well as why you may clash at times. Understanding your inspiration numbers can assist you in improving your relationship. This interactive evening will give you many tools to work together with.
By the way, this information will give you insight into all your relationships – such as family members, friends, and past relationships.
We invite you to bring your partner or someone else that you are deeply connected with!
For more information on Greer Jonas, visit: www.numerology4yoursoul.com
Or email her directly at: greerdjonas@gmail.com
There are NO REFUNDS on event tickets. If you are unable to attend after purchase, you may push it to a later date option by letting the office know at least 48 hours in advance.