Monday, April 4, 2022
6:00 pm EDT - 7:00 pm EDT Your Timezone
The COPE Foundation was inspired by a dream.
In 1992, Lilly’s 20-year-old daughter, Michelle, lost her life tragically in a car accident. In the midst of her grief, her daughter came to her in a dream and said, ” I’m okay, Mommy. You’re the ones who aren’t okay and you need to reach out and help each other.”
Lilly woke with a vision of grieving parents and siblings coming together for emotional support.
Michelle’s message inspired COPE, (an acronym for Connecting Our Paths Eternally) and has been an ongoing source of inspiration. Ironically, Lilly herself was in the process of building COPE, and connecting with other parents who had lost a child, when she found healing.
At the time Lilly didn’t want to heal, she only wanted to find a way to stay connected to Michelle. It has been said, “Death ends a life, but not a relationship.”
Through COPE many have found purpose and a new relationship with their child(ren) who have passed.
Learn more about COPE here: https://copefoundation.org/