Monday, March 6, 2023
6:00 pm EST - 7:00 pm EST
The process of shamanic awakening is as vast as the universe itself. Physical and spiritual worlds blend with one another, and the shaman’s path lies in attaining a life of harmony with both.
Respected kamasqa curandero Oscar Miro-Quesada teaches shamanism as a tradition of healing, power, and wisdom that sees all life as interconnected and sacred in his new book SHAMANISM: Personal Quests of Communion with Nature and Creation, the seventh book in our exciting Common Sentience book series.
In his exciting new book, don Oscar brings shamanism and its healing ways to our contemporary world in a way not yet done. don Oscar shares “You must live the path to understand it.
“We tell the stories to pass on the insight in a way that allows people to remember who they are—to let them see the shadow without running away.
“We tell the stories to let people remember that there are always alternatives. We tell the stories and, sometimes, the stories tell us.”