What a Difference a Month Makes

What a Difference a Month Makes

Wow! What a difference a month makes. We are now traveling thru this coronavirus journey together.
Yes, “We’re all connected,” as AT&T would say. If anyone voices any doubts about that, I would reply with the joke, “What are you smoking?”
Every year, in my January newsletters, I always mention the New Year vibration, most recently of course regarding 2020. This past January, I provided a passage by numerologist Greer Jonas on 2020 which I suggest you visit. Interestingly, here in 2020, half the world is encountering similar experiences. Of course, there is a reason for all this connectedness, and the reason (or reasons) should become clear soon enough.
As I’ve said many times, everything happens for a reason. Often, I’ve had people come up to me and say, “I love your book” (entitled everything happens for a reason). Some will say, “I remember my grandmother using that expression all the time.”
Those of you who have been reading my newsletters know that I truly treasure the privilege of meeting you, and connecting with your loved ones in Spirit.
Given what we are facing today, now is the time for all of us to remember our ancestors who lived through the Great Depression, and were able to survive and later thrive. I’m sure some of you have seen those Depression video clips of people lining up for food, because they simply had no money.
Those Depression folks knew how to budget, ration, and even recycle before recycling was a fad. Everything was stretched to the max and used over and over. Aluminum foil was a key.
Just a side-note: What’s involved in making aluminum foil? Do you know? Ask someone who was/coal miner. Or, check here.
As the stay-at-home directives continue, I’m sure that so many of you who grew up playing board games (like Monopoly, Scrabble, Clue, Risk, etc.) can now bring out those board games again—if you still have them. Or maybe you want to play cards?
For a little while, at least, we can choose to escape from the computer, I-pad, and I-phone and play those board games. But then of course we can take advantage of the technology that surrounds us. For example, we can do FaceTime with the loved ones with whom we cannot visit. Whatever works at whatever moment.
Most importantly, from your heart, send out Love here, there and everywhere, to those for whom you care. While “social distancing” is in place, Love can still be sent not only via an email, phone call, or text, but also telepathically, as I’m sure you know.
Most recently, I missed seeing many of you at my small and large events that had to be cancelled. We will meet again! Connecting is what we do, and what we all can do together.
Meanwhile, I’ll be doing phone sessions as usual, and also presenting a webinar and conducting small group readings online.
As trying as things are nowadays, we are still able to remain connected, though more technologically than personally. Let me say again that we humans are all interconnected, “wired,” so to speak. We are wired to connect because that is what Love is all about.
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Thanks for Submitting!

Suzane goes LIVE on Facebook once a month on the 1st Monday of the month at 7pm ET to answer these questions. Tune it to see if yours will be next!

*Note that due to many submissions, your question many not be answered immediately.

Ask Suzane!

Due to popular demand, we’re bringing back the monthly Ask Suzane column! Here, you have the chance to submit questions directly to Suzane to answer. We may also choose yours to be read/featured in her monthly podcast, Dead Peoples’ Society!

* Due to high volumes, your question may take time to be answered via email from Suzane. We will reach out if yours is picked to be featured on the podcast. Have questions? Email us at info@suzanenorthrop.com