Suzane Northrop is a nationally recognized psychic medium and expert in psychic phenomena.

In addition to her popular Gallery Readings, Suzane offers Small Group and One-on-One Private Sessions for those who wish a more intimate experience.
Suzane offers Private Sessions both in person or over the phone or via zoom (whichever is most convenient).
Upcoming public Events
March 12th - Small Group Reading Event - Wednesday, March 12, 2025 6:00 pm EDT
An Intimate Evening of Healing Messages from the Other Side with Thomas John and Suzane Northrop (Huntington Beach, CA) - Friday, March 28, 2025 9:00 pm EDT
March 29th at 3pm - Private In-Person Session with Suzane (Huntington Beach, CA) - Saturday, March 29, 2025 3:00 pm EDT
An Intimate Afternoon of Healing Messages from the Other Side with Thomas John and Suzane Northrop (San Diego, CA) - Sunday, March 30, 2025 6:30 pm EDT
April 4th - In-Person Small Group Reading Event (Palm Desert, CA) - Friday, April 4, 2025 9:30 pm EDT

Seeing Beyond Living Transformed
December 13th 7:00PST ( 10:00pm EST)
Seeing Beyond: Living Transformed is a spiritual crossing of the “Threshold” to the world of being a truly expanded human being.
Suzane's New Podcast Launched in September!
Become a Member Today!
Join Suzane’s NEW MEMBERS ONLY Dead Peoples’ Society and get exclusive access to monthly meditations, video lectures, invitations to attend exclusive mini sessions, gallery events and other member benefits.
Suzane's Blog
March please bring in the lambs after a winter of lions!
We all certainly know what a lion winter is after this winter! Especially those that live in the midwest, the mountainous west, and the northeast. I bet you’ll all be really looking forward to the first day of spring on Thursday, March 20, 2025, at 5:01 a.m. EDT (2:01 a.m. Pacific). For those of us in the Northern Hemisphere, this is marked by the arrival of the Spring Equinox
(otherwise known as the “First Point of Aries”). As we enter the season of spring with sparks, energy and a new skip in our steps, it may just inspire us to follow our dreams, or…
Other Recent Posts
Suzane's Emmy-nominated TV series, The Afterlife, has captured the imagination and hearts of millions in both the U.S. and Canada by demonstrating her superior talent as a Medium.

She was an absolute pleasure to work with!
“Suzane was our special guest for our annual “Cabin Fever Luncheon”. After low turnout in previous years, we were completely unprepared for the magnitude of response from Suzane’s booking – nearly selling out the 400 capacity room! Attendees described her as “amazing”, “professional”, “funny”, “informative” and “life changing”. She was an absolute pleasure to work with from start to finish. In short, Suzane is a class act, and we look forward to working with her again.”
If you have been holding on to the belief that you personally can’t make contact with those loved ones who have passed over, then A Medium’s Cookbook is the book for you. World renowned Medium and TV/Radio show host, Suzane Northrop, gathers some of her best “ingredients” to help you prepare in creating your own connections by awakening the “inner-cook” in you. Her “making the connection” recipes help you discover that your own loving banquet flourishes when you peel away layers of misunderstanding and open up to the essential connections that can help heal your heart and soul.
— Stephanie
— Stephanie