Blooming into Summer – June’s Joyful Moments

Blooming into Summer – June’s Joyful Moments

June is the most popular month for events next to the December holidays.

Flowers are already blooming, people are getting married, teenagers going to proms and graduating high school, college students graduating, taking a breather from school, or maybe concerned about their next step, and last and very importantly it’s Father’s Day!

Oh, and lest we forget, Summer Solstice is June 20th, officially the beginning of summer. Whew!

I would be remiss if I didn’t share a few of my thoughts for June. No matter who we are, our status, or our place in life, no one is exempt from, well, life. Moments that can offer incredible joy, high points in our lives, or sadness. For all these happening in June, missing people who are not at graduation, or getting married and not having dad or mom there to walk down the aisle for many can be heartfelt.  Let me just say I promise one thing, they will be there, maybe not as we want them, but make no mistake they’ll never miss the important events of love with family and friends.

June with all that’s going on can bring up those memories of the past, but never forget the memories that can never be taken from you – they’re yours to keep. In life, we never remember the toys we got, we remember how we felt at that special time. Hopefully, try not to focus on the “would of or could of” and trust that at the time in these circumstances you did the best you could.

I have met many folks who did so much for their loved ones but still feel it wasn’t enough. I’m here to say, it was more than enough, and your DP’s want you to know it. Of those who couldn’t do as much as a sibling or spouse because of family or other demands – try to let it go. Know there’s always time to do more. Somehow, we just have to plow through and do the best we can.

To celebrate Father’s Day, I’m doing a Gallery event on June 17th, as well as other June happenings. Personally, I’m in my summer glory, how can I not with so much beauty to take in?  I was chatting the other day with my fence guy (one can’t do without fences for a garden to keep out critters).  He looked at me and said when the world gets too much I drive up the hill and look at all that’s around me and I’m happy.  Everyone needs to find a happy place when this world seems overwhelming.

On that note, enjoy the upcoming summer.  Click here to see a few events I’ve got going on.

Warmly with love and flowers in bloom!


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Due to popular demand, we’re bringing back the monthly Ask Suzane column! Here, you have the chance to submit questions directly to Suzane to answer. We may also choose yours to be read/featured in her monthly podcast, Dead Peoples’ Society!

* Due to high volumes, your question may take time to be answered via email from Suzane. We will reach out if yours is picked to be featured on the podcast. Have questions? Email us at