Honoring the Caretakers

Honoring the Caretakers

Happy June!

The flowers are blooming, high school and college students are graduating and going to proms, other kids are taking a breather, and of course {{{{{drum roll}}}}} Father’s Day on the 16th! Oh, and lest we forget, the Summer Solstice arrives on June 21st, the official beginning of Summer. Whew!

Some reflective thoughts for this June. No matter who you are, or what your status is, no one is exempt from, well, life. And part of life involves moments of what should be incredible joy, but there is a missing piece. Like when someone near and dear has crossed over to the Other Side and is not there on that special day. His or her absence may at times dominate our thoughts and feelings, making us sad, even though it’s supposed to be a festive occasion.

I mention this because so many times in my work I see sadness when a dad or mom who has crossed over was not at a wedding, or even often when the first baby was born. So June, with all positives that are going on, can bring up sad memories.

Often we tend to reflect on those memories and ask woulda, coulda, shoulda. I meet so many folks who did so much for their loved ones but still feel it wasn’t enough. I’m here to say, it was more than enough, and your DPs want you to know that.

On a related matter, we need to respect and honor those folks who are caretakers, for that is probably one of the hardest jobs a person can do. It is often an unending uphill of battle of emotions, physically exhausting, and at times very deeply sad and painful. If a caretaker doesn’t have enough money, or anyone who will help, the experience can be especially overwhelming and swallow you up. Until you go through it, you can’t honestly understand the difficulty of being a caretaker.

If you are a caretaker, KUDOS to you. But please be kind with yourself, and find as many moments of quiet and peace as you can. And cherish those moments.

While I’m beyond thrilled that June is here, my heart goes out to those who are suffering through floods and other earth changes. We all know that life can change on a dime.

With all that said, I’m truly excited to be visiting so many of you in Salt Lake City for the Afterlife Conference, where I mentioned Terri Daniel had been giving free rooms, and I’ll be in Michigan, Chicago and St. Louis with Thomas John.

Enjoy and smell the June flowers!

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Suzane goes LIVE on Facebook once a month on the 1st Monday of the month at 7pm ET to answer these questions. Tune it to see if yours will be next!

*Note that due to many submissions, your question many not be answered immediately.

Ask Suzane!

Due to popular demand, we’re bringing back the monthly Ask Suzane column! Here, you have the chance to submit questions directly to Suzane to answer. We may also choose yours to be read/featured in her monthly podcast, Dead Peoples’ Society!

* Due to high volumes, your question may take time to be answered via email from Suzane. We will reach out if yours is picked to be featured on the podcast. Have questions? Email us at info@suzanenorthrop.com