Happy Month of the “Heart!”
Oh how Love inspires us to do things we might not otherwise attempt. And I do mean Love, not Love that is confined to being “in love,” but the Love that all of us would express to and for those to whom we are so emotionally attached: our significant others, parents, children, siblings, grandparents, grandchildren, etc. And let us not forget our friends, including our best friends of the two- and four-legged variety. All those with whom we share the intimate aspects of our lives, and connect through the heart, are Love connections.
Love not only inspires romantic novels, movies, music, and poems, but also our behavior. Did you know that a mother walrus will risk her own life to defend her cub against a hungry bear who is starving and wants to kill and eat her cub? Among poverty stricken humans, it is quite common for parents to go without so their children can be clothed and fed. Love, my friends, is a powerful force – the most powerful force in the world, in my view – and the one that drives all of us in one way or another.
I recently came upon selected writing I had in my files about the power of Love. I’d like to share this passage written by William Law, 1948.
“When Love is the spirit of your life, it will have the freedom and universality of a spirit; it will always live and work in Love, not because of this or that, here or there, but because the spirit of Love can only Love, where ever it is or goes, or whatever is done to it. As the spark knows no motion but that of flying upwards, whether it be in the darkness of night, or in the light of day, so the spirit of Love is always on the same course; it knows no difference of time, place or person; but whether it gives or forgives, bears or forebears, it is equally doing its own delightful work, equally blessed from itself.”
What I find so purely wonderful and inspiring in this writing is the recognition of Love as Spirit, invoking its own powerful energy. It is quite accurate to say that Love has a life of its own, and as we tap into Love and breathe it in, Love’s own light can guide and direct our lives with passion. (You can read more of the writings of William Law, here.)
When I look into the eyes of someone who has lost a loved one, I see that a part of them is missing, that part being the Love that was felt when the loved one was here in the physical. To get through the grieving process – and yes, it is a process – we must dig very deep within our souls, and bring that light of Love back into our hearts. Not a easy task, but a necessary one. As I often say, “Love never dies,” it just changes form. We must learn how to connect with our loved ones in Spirit in a different way. That is where my work comes in. And I am honored to be able to assist. But we all can help ourselves by recognizing that death does not destroy the Love connection. We need to open up and listen to our hearts. Yes this can be a mighty big leap for some, but I have never met anyone who regretted reconnecting with a loved one in Spirit. You need faith in the beginning, and trust. Then once you experience the reconnection of Love, well, there is nothing like it! Immortality is validated.
I would be remiss here if I did not mention that we celebrate “Valentine’s Day” this month, so for all you lovers out there, enjoy! Remember also not to get too caught up in the commercialization and materialism that besets all of our holidays. Keep in prominence not only the Love for your significant other, family, and friends, but also of Nature, even if it’s only a moment taken to appreciate the sun or a snowflake.
It is my hope that you will experience that spark, as you open your heart to receive the spirit of Love!
During the approach to Spring – yes guys, despite the frigid temperatures here in the Northeast and elsewhere, time-wise, March 21st is right around the corner – I hope to see many of you in my travels to: Florida, St. Louis, Louisiana, Connecticut, Tucson, L.A., Denver, Portland, Seattle, etc. Check my calendar for details.
Have a wonderful month of Love and while you’re at it, don’t forget to stop and smell the roses.