Each month when I write my newsletters, now more than twenty-five years of writing, I reflect on past months. I look back through all these years, the words written, and the moments that inspired me for that month. Can you believe we’re already back in February? The month of love, and matters of the heart!
Naturally, February’s focus is on love, and I often find a theme or event that month that hits me in a particular way. This month is no different in that matter.
I have heard for most of my adult life over and over from loved ones in spirit, and those loved ones are still here in the physical. That deep intense feeling when there is a loss, and how it impacts so much of our lives. How we all have to sometimes work hard on keeping the faith through love and letting it replace fear is not always easy but necessary for our soul’s growth.
Not that I don’t think of all these emotions of love and loss, but it recently arose within a recent session. The woman who came to see me in respect to the loss of her mom seemed to be more focused on “challenging” me than listening to the words of love her mom wanted to share with her, and of course all the validation of her coming through as well.
What hit me afterward was that after all these years of connecting with loved ones, it comes down to our deep-seated grief that blocks the love from coming through. Time and time again, I sense this with sessions of connecting, but once in a while, it hits me how deep our grief is that it can truly block love, or at the very least, cause a person to analyze a connection rather than listening and not taking in the “big picture,” but rather the little ones that only you would know coming through from your mom, dad or another loved one.
So, in the month of love, it’s so deeply important to open our hearts, for if we don’t do that we can never ever bring love into our lives, especially after a deep loss. Now, yes, we are all human beings with many many different emotions and complexities. However, there are moments and times we need to sit back, breathe, and trust ourselves to those possibilities, for if we can’t trust those moments we can never truly bring love into our lives.
On that note, I truly want to send my love to everyone and as always repeat, love and truly triumph over fear. Looking forward as always to connecting with so many of you in my upcoming travels and connecting in so many of my events that are coming up! I’ll be in Florida and California soon as well as hosting online messages with fellow Medium Kimberly Meredith on February 12th. You can see all my upcoming events here.
Warmly with love,