The Nun and The Priest

The Nun and The Priest

Most people who commonly check out my website and know my work; know I travel a great deal.  Since I travel quite a bit I prefer to drive; especially around the Northeast, and quite honestly I love it.  It always clears my mind and I sometimes get to listen to some good discussions and interviews on one of my favorite radio shows, NPR.

I like most people “love” a good love story, of course especially if it is a message or experience about connecting to a love one in spirit or having an ADC ( After-death Communication) experience.

The interview begins with a woman who was a nun for a few years when she was transfer to another parish.  Upon being sent to this parish she was working with the  priest who ran the parish,  within a  couple of years she and he realize a connection.  The connection was instant from the beginning. She and the Priest became instantly connected and fell in love. She knew in her heart that she would have to search her soul to make the decision to leave the church; of which she did.  The Woman and the Priest would meet on the weekends while he was waiting to get permission for them to be together.  After two years of wanting he too was not given permission to be with her, so he too left the priesthood.

They married, a love affair that lasted for 60 years. Nonetheless they still kept their connection with the church. In the interview she shared their deep love and connection that she and the priest had. Then she shares about his illness, taking care of him and how she made sure they recorded their singing together.  He lost his voice from the illness so she wanted to make sure she could still hear his voice after his death.

She then continues to talk about his dying and how she felt closer to him after his death. She would have her daily ritual of 2 O’clock in the afternoon sitting in her favorite chair in the room they loved the most, listen and feel his presence and know that he was there.

She made it very clear in the interview that it didn’t matter to her what people thought of her on-going connection with her husband, who was now dead. Making it plain to listeners that only his body was dead.

It was important for her to share that their relationship was continuing and emphasizing that in many ways, they were closer now than they were when he was in his physical body, knowing that their deep connection continued.

Here I am listening to this woman speak of her love, while I am quite literally on my way to share what I do best, connecting with those, who like her priest, still let us know they are around.  We only have to listen, open our heart and know that love never dies.

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