August is the month everyone wants to be at the beach, jumping in the pool, walking in the woods, hanging in the park reading a book, or taking a few days off work!
The Sun is in Leo, and it’s no surprise that Leo is ruled by the Sun.
Attributes of Leo:
Confidence: love being the center and enjoy the spotlight.
Loyalty: Leos are known for being consistent loyal friends.
Hard-working: Leos are action-oriented and determined to get the job down.
Drama tic: love attention!
Leos are also generous, honest, kind, big-hearted, and protectors.
Thus, rulers by the Sun.
Wow! I guess I should take my own advice and go out and play in my garden that awaits me!
Check out my August events. I’m doing two in-person events (one in Farmington CT on August 1st and one in NYC on August 8th) as well as dual-readings with Medium Cheryl Murphy on August 13th. See all upcoming events here.
Have fun!