Summer: Time to Play!

Summer: Time to Play!

Okay kids, time to play! Dive in the pool, stroll along the shore, or take a trip to the country. Maybe enjoy a hike in the woods, or a visit to your local park. Feel the breeze! Whatever works to get back to Nature and listen to the songs of the birds. It’s time to be a kid again. July makes it easy.

As they say, all work and no play makes for a very dull person indeed! Spirit – being God, angels, spirit guides, or whomever you connect with – really loves you when you work, but really, really loves you when you play! So, I am giving you all a little nudge. Have some fun! Because summer is officially here, and it’s very important to take time to totally enjoy the sun after a long and cold winter. (But don’t forget the sunscreen, as you live it up!)

I learned a very long time ago that my work is about the living, not our beloved DPs (dead persons). We who are still here in the physical are the ones who have to figure out how to get joy out of life, despite all the challenges – and there are many, including the loss of a loved one. But believe it or not, having fun is the most wonderful way to honor our DPs. Sure, they know we miss them, but they want us to process the grief, and return to living a happy life. Remember that our DPs went through their own share of losses during their time on Earth, but from those on the Other Side, I can tell you without a doubt that they want you to know that playing is one of the most important things you can do on your journey.

My journey to the Afterlife Conference in June was as wonderful as it was last year, and I was thrilled to meet new friends and reconnect with those I’ve met before. One very special thing that happened was when people came up to me and said how they loved that I talked about my garden and the seasons in my newsletters! I totally LOVED hearing that! And it answered a question of my own: Why is it important to focus on the seasons and Nature? Answer: because the seasons and Nature are reflective of our own state of mind and being.

No doubt about it – each season has a rhyme and reason, and there is beauty in every aspect. By so observing, you learn to appreciate that the seasons have a direct relationship to how we live our lives. Trying to play even when life is difficult is what moves us emotionally from one place to another. And that, my friends, is based on our ability to love, and on opening our hearts to be loved.

Joy is the key to how we can dig deep in the well of life, and I know that July can add a touch of being a kid again. Children know how to make just about anything a game of play. Even in this day and age, take away the high technology toys and gizmos, and you’ll be surprised how kids can quickly figure out how to play in other ways. Getting the kids out in Nature is a great way to teach them, and a great way to teach yourselves. Yeah, there are many ways and places to play, my favorite of course being the garden.

Okay, kids, enough preaching! Go out and play! And Enjoy! Enjoy! Enjoy! July is waiting.

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*Note that due to many submissions, your question many not be answered immediately.

Ask Suzane!

Due to popular demand, we’re bringing back the monthly Ask Suzane column! Here, you have the chance to submit questions directly to Suzane to answer. We may also choose yours to be read/featured in her monthly podcast, Dead Peoples’ Society!

* Due to high volumes, your question may take time to be answered via email from Suzane. We will reach out if yours is picked to be featured on the podcast. Have questions? Email us at