It’s the New Year when all astrologers, numerologists, and yes psychics do their predictions.
As most of you know all my January shows from blog-talk to webinars address the new universal year of 2025. My blog-talk show features esteemed astrology Bill Attride on January 6th (sadly my last blog-talk show as they are closing down. I will be moving to StreamYard where my first show’s guest will be Kimberly Meredith on February 3rd.
I look forward to hosting my yearly check-in with numerologist Greer Jonas on January 8th. Two great shows to get a view of what’s to come in 2025! Both Bill and Greer will be offering personal insights as well. We’re going in a 9-year, 2+0+2+5 = 9-year – transformation and change. For all you astute folks I’m sure you’re very much aware that 9 means ending. I’m sure you’re also aware that change happens with the stars as well. Pluto just went into Aquarius, and yes this is the dawning of “the age of Aquarius” as sung in the musical “Hair”…which I’m sure many of you boomers know! I can tell you I’m ready for it. I know generally the masses are slower than individuals but the structure will change by leaving Pluto in Capricorn. I will tell you without any hesitation there will be change, I for one am looking forward to it. I’m aware change is not easy for most but, like it or not, buckle your seat belts!
Chinese New Year – Year of the Snake
In 2025, the Chinese New Year begins on January 29, ushering in the Year of the Wood Snake. The Year of the Wood Snake runs from January 29, 2025, to February 16, 2026. The Snake, the sixth animal in the Chinese zodiac, symbolizes traits like intuition and strategy.
All of these Divinity Arts, whatever you connect with, you will find that they always overlap whether it’s Astrology, Numerology, or if you’re drawn to the Chinese cultures. All of these have been around for centuries, or likely the beginning of human times. The stars have guided people all over the world, and as well numbers are throughout the bible, and needless to say to this day with numbers, and tech…well need I say more! Numbers are very important in our lives. From passages in the bible to birth, death, and special holidays all have their special meanings. I’m asked all the time what this number means to me that I keep seeing. Of course in my world of loved one’s crossing over that is commonly asked. Is it someone’s birth, when seen everywhere and even in our dreams? There are passages galore of dreams and numbers.
I have been a big believer that all these energy changes are necessary in life as our greatest teachers. It’s also the few times we “actually” slow down, reflect, and get a chance to reboot, lay plans, and decisions about what we’d like our 2025 to look like.
It is my wish for all of you to have a happy, healthy year of love to give and receive. And give a smile randomly when you see someone who could benefit from your smile.
Looking to meet up? I’ll be hosting in-person readings in Florida most of January, and heading to California in the spring. I’ll have my usual online small groups coming up starting on January 15th. Of course check out my DPS (Dead Peoples’ Society) membership, too – I’d love to connect or reconnect for the New Year of 2025.
Warmth and love,